This workshop series is for anyone who wants to take their lighting to the next level. I love to explore lighting and to experiment with new techniques and ideas to refine my craft and to create better images every time I pick up a camera.
During our intensive hands-on workshop, we will start off with one light in the morning and work our way up to three lights in the afternoon, We’ll practice with a model, problem solve, talk about modifiers, ratios, and post production. My goal is make sure everyone to leave understanding why they would use each light, what happens to your look when you adjust the power of each light. At the and of the day we will go over what I do to achieve my look and style in Light room and Adobe CC. The workshops that take place in my Cypress Studio will be an intimate one day experience with only three attendees. Please bring your camera and be ready to shoot, as we’ll be taking turns and creating new content for our portfolios and feeds. If possible please bring a laptop or tablet for editing. It will be full of fun day with lighitng and camera but we will take a lunch break, recap our experience and style, and talk about how to put these new skills to work! |