Enjoy the Moment Portraits BlogHigh-Quality Portraits for Your Business and Fine Family PortraitsFall means it is time to go back to school. It feels like yesterday that my 15 years old came home relaxed that she wouldn't have to wake up early nextday for school for almost three months. Staying late and wake up late were her ultimate luxury over the summer. The summer went by fast. Now it is time to begin another school year. New school year means new classes, making friends and managing your time. Whether you are new to highschool or will be graduating class this year or maybe sophomore or junior, having your day and schedule organized will ensure a successful school year and less stressfull each and everyday.
Below threre are some tips on how to have a succesful school year from the experts. The article is collected from Psychology Today. Source: High School Student (11th grade female) 1. "Don't just start with a positive attitude, keep that attitude throughout the year. it's helpful to your friends and teachers. Also, you'll be more efficient and the year will seem to fly by. Positivity will also help with getting all your work done." 2."Stay organized. School can be frustrating when you're getting a lot of work and papers,so the easiest way not to get stressed is by keeping everything organized. Make sure to have a separate binder for each class; it will make life bearable in high school." 3. "If you're absent for a few days, make sure to get the work you missed. Your teacher is the best one to get you caught up and to explain things to you, because he or she is the expert in the class – not your friends. " 4. "Stay away from the drama. The only bad thing about school is the drama because so many people get sucked into it and it ends up making people feel awful. Drama can take your focus away from your work. If you don't completely focus on the lesson or your homework or even class work you won't understand what is going on. You'll be too focused on what is going on around you. So stay away from drama." 5."If you are dating someone you may be completely focused on that person… which isn't a bad thing, but it isn't a good thing either. If you spend 24/7 with that person you'll probably get bored of him or her and not know what to talk about anymore. Which can get pretty awkward in the hallways. Also, if you don't spend any time with them then they will start to think that they aren't important or that you don't even like them. So maybe dating during school isn't the best thing for you academically but if it isn't affecting you by taking all your attention away from school then everything should be fine. Also, a lot of drama can come along with dating so you'd just have to be aware of that. I suggest not dating or dating but not giving it all your undivided attention, just some attention. Also, this can have an effect on your social life at school and you'll just ditch your friends which isn't what you want during school because they may ditch you when you need them. It is a very complicated life at school. Just make the best out of it." Source: Parent of a Teen 1. “The first tip I would give is to believe in yourself and to try to always do the right thing. Sometimes people will do what is cool as opposed to what is safe or nice.” 2. “Keep your focus on your school work. Pay attention in class and complete your homework.” 3. “Don't procrastinate when it comes to studying and homework.” 4. “Be selective with the friends you choose. Don't befriend someone who is not a good influence on you. Don't judge a person, but if someone makes you feel uncomfortable, or if their definition of right and wrong is different from yours, gently stop spending time with him or her. Surround yourself with people you can grow with in a positive direction.” 5. “Create joy in your life by not beating yourself up. If you’re not doing well with something ask for help. No one is perfect at everything, but everything is perfect about you.” Source: HS Teacher (nine years in education) 1.“Find out the resources that are available to you. If this statement completely alludes you, here are a few questions that may serve as a guide and/or starting point:” Do your teachers post assignments on their websites? Does your school have a homework hotline? Does your school offer tutoring for specific exams, such as the HSAP, SAT, ACT, etc.? When does each teacher offer tutoring? (teachers are usually required to offer at least an hour or two of additional hours either before or after school) Does your library have a wide selection of study materials? (many have a section that offers SAT, ACT, and HSAP prep books for you to check out) Keep your dates open for your Highschool Senior Portraits with Enjoy the Moment Portraits, and call 281-758-8686 to schedule yours. Sonia Ahmad :)
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AuthorSonia Ahmad, CPP, is an award-winning photographer based in Cypress, TX. She has earned the Photographic Craftsman designation by Professional Photographers of America. She specializes in personal portrait sessions for Seniors, Teens, and tweens, Women's personal branding, mother-and-daughter sessions, Glamour and fashion, and Headshots. See more portrait sessions in the gallery. Archives
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